This system has been introduced to establish a better and effective student-teacher relationship and guide the students in Academic matters.
All teachers work as Mentors to the students alloted to them. Students will have to go and meet their Mentor atleast once in a month for guidance. The students must feel free to confide in their Mentors, their Academic problems.
The students will have to meet the Mentors when they are called for.
The students should take the prior permission of the Mentor before they absent themselves from classes. They have to submit a leave note for the absence for a period / day / days to the Mentor. The condonation of shortage of attendance will be recommended on the basis of leave records and recommendation of Mentor.
The Mentor will note the performance of the students in tests and examinations and also the behaviour of their wards.
The Principal will recommend the name of students for Fee Concessions, Free ships, free mid-day meal and for Annual and Public Examinations, on the basis of the reports of Mentor.