More than 30 years of experience
Research Experience
Minor Research Project
- The Use of Internet in Select Colleges of Dakshina Kannada’ funded by UGC.
List of Research Grants Received over the past four years
- Received the research project entitled ‘The Use of Internet in Select Colleges of Dakshina Kannada’ as the Principal Investigator funded by the University Grants Commission, New Delhi, during the year 2010 under the XI plan. Grant received Rs 50,000/-.
- Travel grant to present a research paper at the 10thNorthumbria International Conference conducted by the University of York, United Kingdom held during 22-25 July 2013, by the University Grants Commission, New Delhi ( Grant received Rs 2, 25 320/-).
- Partial grant to attend the above conference from the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, New Delhi was also received during 2013. Grant received Rs 20,000/-.
- Grant was sanctioned by University Grants Commission, New Delhi for conducting the Two-Day National Conference on ‘Academic Libraries: Challenges in the Electronic Era’ on September 27-28, 2013. Grant received Rs 75,000/-.
- Grant was sanctioned by University Grants Commission, New Delhi for conducting the Two-Day National Workshop on ‘Developing Digital Library Using DSpace’ on August 6-7, 2015. Grant received Rs80,000/-.
- Has assisted in setting up and upgrading of School and Government College libraries in & around Rural Bantwal taluk.
Research Publications and Books:
International Journal
- Sujatha, H R and H. Shivananda Murthy 2010. End-user training on the utilization of Electronic Information Sources in Fisheries Sciences Institutions in South India. Published in The Electronic Library, V 28, No. 5, 2010, pp 741-754.
National Journal
- Sujatha, H R 2011. Analysis of Internet Use in Undergraduate Colleges of Mangalore. Published in DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, Vol. 31, No. 1, January 2011, pp. 35-40.
- Sujatha H R and Bharathi K .2012. Institutional repository initiatives at higher education and research organizations in Karnataka, India. In Indian Journal of Library and Information Science; Vol.6, No.3, pp 13-17.
- Sujatha, H R 2013. Utilization of Information Resources And Services of Rural Public Library in Dakshina Kannada District, Karnataka State, Published in SRELS Journal of Information Management, V 50, No.4, August 2013, p379-386.
- Sujatha, H R 2014. Web Scale Discovery Services/Tools: Transforming Access to Library Resources, Published in Library Herald, V 53, No. 2, June 2014.
Book Publication
Sujatha, H R. Exploiting Electronic Information Sources in Fisheries Sciences, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2014, Germany (ISBN 978-3-659-35079-5).
- Editor of the Conference Proceedings, UGC Sponsored National Conference on “Academic Libraries: Challenges in the Electronic Era”. Organised by Sri Venkataramana Swamy College, Bantwal, on September 27-28, 2013 in association with the Dakshina Kannada & Kodagu Library Association, Udupi, Karnataka.
- Editor of the Seminar Volume: UGC Sponsored National Seminar on “Innovative Practices in Libraries” organized by Besant Women’s College, Mangalore, in association with the Dakshina Kannada & Kodagu Library Association, Udupi, on December 13th, 2013 with ISBN.
Published in the International Conference Proceedings held at United Kingdom:
- Sujatha H. R. ‘Student Usage, Preferences of Emerging Technologies and their Impact on Library Services’ Published in the 10thNorthumbria International Conference Proceedings conducted by the University of York, United Kingdom held during 22-25 July 2013.
Published in the International Conference held in India:
- Sujatha H. R. E-Granth: Consortium Access to agricultural Institutional Repositories- published in the proceedings of International conference on Knowledge Management and Organisation in the Digital Era, held at Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumkur, during 17-19th January 2013.
- Sujatha H. R &Umesh M. Cera – The E-Resources Consortium in Agriculture. Published in the proceedings of the International conference on Emerging Technologies and the Future of Libraries, held at Gulbarga University, during January 30-31, 2015.
- Nagaraj B. G., Sujatha H. R & Umesh M. Libraries and User Expectations. Published in the proceedings of the International conference on Emerging Technologies and the Future of Libraries, held at Gulbarga University, during January 30-31, 2015.
Published in the Proceedings of the National Symposia/Workshops/Seminars:
- Blogging for marketing and resource sharing of library resources and services- published in the proceedings of National conference on Knowledge, Knowledge Banks and Information Networking, KKBNET 2010, held at national Institute of Technology, Karnataka (NITK), Suratkal, Karnataka, on 8th& 9th April,2010.
- Enhancing Reading Practices of College Students – A case study – published in the proceedings of National Conference on Knowledge, Knowledge Banks and Information Networking, KKBNET 2010, held at NITK, Suratkal, on 8th&9th April, 2010.
- Knowledge Management in Academic Libraries – published in the proceedings of National Conference on Knowledge, Knowledge Banks and Information Networking, KKBNET 2010, held at NITK, Suratkal during 8 – 9April, 2010.
- Electronic Consortia: Sharing of E- Resources in Digital Age – published in the proceedings of National conference on Knowledge, Knowledge Banks and Information Networking, KKBNET 2010, held at NITK, Suratkal on 8th& 9th April, 2010.
- Sujatha H. R. The Use of Internet and Electronic Information Sources in Dakshina Kannnada District- published in the proceedings of NAAC Sponsored National Seminar on ‘ Bench Marking: Modalities for Creation & Evaluation of Institutional Practices, held at S V S College, Bantwal, on March 27-28th,2013.
- Bharathi & Sujatha H. R. Digital Library: Policy and File Formats in Digital Preservation, published in the UGC Sponsored National Conference proceedings on “Academic Libraries: Challenges in the Electronic Era” held at Sri Venkataramana Swamy College, Bantwal, Karnataka on September 27-28th 2013.
- E-Learning: Open Source Web and Video Lecture Courses of NPTEL, published in the UGC Sponsored National Conference proceedings on “Academic Libraries: Challenges in the Electronic Era” held at Sri Venkataramana Swamy College, Bantwal, Karnataka on September 27-28th 2013.
- Use and Awareness of Internet at University of agricultural Science, Bangalore: A Study, published in the UGC Sponsored National Conference proceedings on “Academic Libraries: Challenges in the Electronic Era” held at Sri Venkataramana Swamy College, Bantwal, Karnataka on September 27-28th 2013.
- Collection Development of Electronic Resources in Alva’s Institute of Engineering and Technology, in the UGC Sponsored National Conference proceedings on “Academic Libraries: Challenges in the Electronic Era” held at Sri Venkataramana Swamy College, Bantwal, Karnataka on September 27-28th 2013.
- Web-based Online Public Access Catalogue: A Study on MSRIT Library, Published in the UGC Sponsored National Seminar proceedings on “Innovative Practices in Libraries” held at Besant Women’s College, Mangalore, on December 13th, 2013.
- Innovative Practices in Library Services: A Case Study of Sahyadri College of Engineering & Management Library, Published in the UGC Sponsored National Seminar proceedings on “Innovative Practices in Libraries” held at Besant Women’s College, Mangalore, on December 13th, 2013.
- Use of e-journals at Sahyadri College of Engineering & Management: A Survey, published in National Conference on ‘Democratization of Information using ICT: Role of Libraries for Social Enlightenment’ Mangalore University on 24-25th January 2014.
- Impact of Cloud Computing on Library Services, published in UGC Sponsored National Conference on “Libraries and Librarianship in Transition: Challenges and Opportunities” held at Besant Evening College, Mangalore on 22-23rd August, 2014.
- Digital Libraries: Its Overview, published in UGC Sponsored National Conference on “Libraries and Librarianship in Transition: Challenges and Opportunities” held at Besant Evening College, Mangalore on 22-23rd August, 2014.
Papers presented in Symposia/Workshops/Seminars:
- Web-based Teaching and Learning in Academic Organizations with Special Reference to Fisheries Education- at the International conference on e-Resources in Higher education; issues, developments, opportunities and challenges, held at Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu, on 19-20 February 2010.
Blogging for Marketing and Resource Sharing of Library Resources and Services- at the National conference on Knowledge, Knowledge Banks and Information Networking, KKBNET 2010, held at NITK, Suratkal on 8 & 9 April 2010.
- E-Granth: Consortium Access to Agricultural Institutional Repositories- at the International conference on Knowledge Management and Organisation in the Digital Era, held at Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumkur, during 17-19th January 2013.
- The Use of Internet and Electronic Information Sources in Dakshina Kannnada District- at the NAAC Sponsored National Seminar on ‘ Bench Marking: Modalities for Creation & Evaluation of Institutional Practices, held at S V S College, Bantwal, on March 27-28th,2013.
- Student Usage, Preferences of Emerging Technologies and their Impact on Library Services- presented at the 10thNorthumbria International Conference conducted by the University of York, United Kingdom held during 22-25 July 2013.
- Web Scale Discovery Services/Tools: Transforming access to Library Resources-presented at the National Conference on Management of Modern Libraries, organized by the Health Science Library & Department of Library and Information Science, KMC, Manipal University, Manipal during 21-22 February, 2014.
Chaired Technical Sessions at
- Two-Day National Conference on ‘Democratization of Information using ICT: Role of Libraries for Social Enlightenment’ held at Mangalore University on 24-25th January 2014.
- UGC Sponsored National Conference on “Innovative Practices in Libraries” organized by the department of Library and Information Centre, Besant Women’s College, Mangalore on 13th December 2013.
- International conference on Knowledge Management and Organisation in the Digital Era, held at Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumkur, during 17-19th January 2013.
Presented Research Paper at International Conference (UK)
- Presented a research paper at the 10thNorthumbria International Conference conducted by the University of York, United Kingdom held during 22-25 July 2013, which was recommended by the University Grants Commission, New Delhi& travel grant sanctioned.
Seminars & Conferences organized by the Library department
- Organised a State Level Seminar on “Digital Libraries: Design & Development” in collaboration with the Dakshina Kannada & Kodagu Library Association on March 8th 2013.
- Organised a Two-Day UGC Sponsored National Conference on “Academic Libraries: Challenges in the Electronic Era” on September 27-28, 2013 in association with the Dakshina Kannada & Kodagu Library Association.
- Organised a Two-Day UGC Sponsored National Workshop on “Developing Digital Library Using DSpace” on August 6-7, 2015 in association with the Dakshina Kannada & Kodagu Library Association.
Awards / Honors /Recognitions Received
- Recipient of the prestigious “Best National Librarian Award” of the Society for Advancement in Library & Information Science (SALIS), Chennai, India during 2014.
- Received the ‘ Excellence in Research’ Award by Education-Expo TV-‘Science and Technology Awards-2014’ (EET-CRS- aNational Research & Development Organization, New Delhi.